Building and Civil Engineering Contractors

Considerate Constructors Scheme update on RPSI Whitehead

Our site at the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland’s Whitehead Railway Centre is registered with the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS). One of the five headings under the CCS Code of Considerate Practice is to ‘Protect the Environment’ and constructors are required to protect and enhance the environment by:
– Identifying, managing and promoting environmental issues
– Seeking sustainable solutions, and minimising waste, the carbon footprint and resources
– Minimising the impact of vibration, and air, light and noise pollution
– Protecting the ecology, the landscape, wildlife, vegetation and water courses


As part of our ongoing corporate commitment to protect the environment under the CCS Code of Practice, our site team is measuring our site waste and recycling performance, as well as monitoring fuel, water and electricity usage on site.


If you would like to discuss any project-related environmental or wider corporate responsibility issues with our company, please contact our SHEQ department by e-mail to